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Who is responsible for the MedicineChest health content?

The Pharmacy Centre
Date added:
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Last revised:
Thursday, 07 October 2010


The Health Content in your site is a combination of our own unique MedicineChest pharmacy optimised health contnent along with all the content from NHS Choices. Our managing editor is Colin Duncan BPharm PhD MRPharmS. He is supported by a team of pharmacists, doctors and leading journalists. All the content is written and stylised in non-medical, easy to understand terms. MedicineChest is responsible for all content and indemnifies all partners.


Colin Duncan's biographical summary:


Graduated with 1st class honours in pharmacy from the University of Wales, Cardiff in 1973 to where he returned in 1974, after pre-registration training with Boots the Chemist, to take up a Science Research Council grant to study the effects of hypothermia on the responses of the heart, for which he was awarded a PhD in 1977. Following the successful completion of his PhD, he lectured in autonomic and cardiovascular pharmacology at the University of Brighton, School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences between 1977 and 1979, before joining Haymarket Publishing as Editor of MIMS. In his 28 year tenure at Haymarket, he held the positions of Editor of MIMS, Publisher of MIMS, Editorial Director of Monthly Prescribing Reference, Director of Haymarket Medical Publications, Editor of OTC Index and Pharmaceutical Advisor to Medical Imprint being directly responsible for the editorial success of MIMS, the launch of OTC Index (the first guide to OTC medicines in the UK) and the launch of Monthly Prescribing Reference (the American version of MIMS).



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